Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Why do we have a Code of Conduct?

As a Club, members come together to participate and enjoy a common interest in running and athletics. The Code of Conduct acts as a reminder of the standards of behaviour which we can all share. Members are expected to recognise that the organised activities of the club depend on the time and efforts of many volunteers who give a significant amount of their time for the benefit of the club.

As of January 2019 the club has adopted the Code of Conduct for Athletes, Coaches, Parents/Carers and Volunteers promoted by Scottish Athletics in the following Booklet:

Additionally as agreed by the committee  in Sept 2015, members or a person acting on behalf of the club are expected to:

  • Behave with respect to other members of the club, other runners and members of the public.
  • Take responsibility for their own safety and not compromise the safety of others.
  • Behave in accordance with the Welfare Policy of the Club.
  • Respect and comply with the rules and regulations of competitions that they may participate in or assist with as an official.
  • Not publish defamatory material* or behave in a manner that may bring the club into disrepute.
  • Follow the Complaints Procedure if at any time they have cause for concern for the welfare, safety or behaviour of others.

*             Material is defamatory if it falsely makes a statement or claim that gives a negative or inferior view. The material is published when it is communicated to someone other than the person described. This can be done in several different ways; for example a member might loudly accuse another of something in a public place where others are present, or make statements in a newsletter or an on-line bulletin board.

Please find below a list of relevant Scottish & UK Athletics policies:

LRC Constitution(2017)

Codes of Conduct

Affiliation Policy

LRC Disciplinary Policy

Equality Policy

Adult Safeguarding Policy

LRC Conflict-of-Interest-Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy



Lothian Running Club