Festive Handicap and Cockleroy Chaser Results 2014

These are the final results for the 2014 events.

Festive Handicap Results 2014

However please notify any remaining discrepancies to festivehandicap.

Cockleroy Chaser 26/12/14 – Results


Name Time Improvement Club Age
Andrew McGill 4:02 33 seconds Linlithgow 10
Pippa Carcas 4:31 14 seconds EAC 11
Scott Kedmond 4:41 11
James Hartman 4:45 20 seconds Interlopers 9
Eoin Richardson 4:47 Linlithgow 11
Finlay Nicoll 5:16   9
Alice Wilson 5:25   Garscube 11
Tom Irving 5:26 70 seconds Linlithgow 10
Mhairi Eades 5:47   Lothian 13
Fiona Eades 5:50   Lothian 10
Rebecca Knowles 5:55   Lothian 9
Beth McGill 5:58 minus 6 Linlithgow 8
Matthew Hartman 6:01 62 seconds Interlopers 5
Lewis McGill 6:01   Linlithgow 8
Molly Dudchenko 6:40 23 seconds 11
Rory McCulloch 6:45 127 seconds Linlithgow 6
Sarah Moody 6:45 18 seconds Linlithgow 12
Emily Knowles 7:30   Lothian 6
Izzy Irving 7:31   Linlithgow 6
Amelie Waldron 7:40   Linlithgow 6
Erin Wilcox 7:41   Garscube 9
Jack Galloway 7:51   Interlopers 8
Anna Irving 7:54   Linlithgow 9
Hal Davies 7:55   Interlopers 10
Sophie Galloway 8:05   Interlopers 7
Toni Davies 8:43   Interlopers Sen
Hannah Brindley 9:01 375 seconds FVO 5
Alex Galloway 10:29   Interlopers 4
Alastair Irving 10:31   3


Well done to all the cheerful fun runners. Wasn’t there a stunning view from the top?

Most of our regulars were faster than last year. Andrew McGill and Pippa Carcas set new course records.

Many thanks to so many kind folk who helped with entries, and setting up:
Mags, Lesley, Ted, Val, and others.   Timekeeper and recorder: Nicola and Erin.
International expert officials: Smile judge Kathleen  🙂 and muddy patch judge Jennifer.

Mags at registration mentioned that some kind folk left donations. We ended up with £13 more than was due. This will go into my fund to help young runners. Thanks for your generosity.


Next Fun Runs in the Series:

Event Date Location Start Notes
Congrie Conga
Hill Fun Run
1.2k / 130m
21/3/15 Glenholm off A701 2.30 In conjunction with Chapelgill Hill Race (Robin Morris)
Ben Lomond
Hill Fun run
1.5k / 80m
9/5/15 Rowardennan 11.30
In conjunction with Ben Lomond
Junior Races (Don Reid)


More Info: Contact Martin.   Tel: 01506 412322   email:  martinhyman @ clara.co.uk

Lothian Running Club