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Lothian Running Club – Constitution

1. Name Lothian Running Club.


2. Purpose
  1. To encourage the enjoyment of athletics by runners of all ages and standards.
3. Membership
  1. Will be open to all applicants with the proviso that sufficient adults must be available to supervise and coach younger age groups.
  2. Membership will only be refused or terminated in exceptional circumstances.  A written notice of the reason for refusal or termination must be given, and there will be a right of appeal.
  3. Members wishing to resign must do so in writing.
  4. Membership fees will normally cover a calendar year.
4. Management Committee
  1. Officers:  Chairman. Vice Chairman, treasurer, coaching co-ordinator
    and secretary, will be elected at the Annual General Meeting .
  2. Male and female club captains will also be elected at the AGM.
  3. The AGM may elect up to 4 other committee members, who may take responsibilities such as minute secretary and membership secretary.
  4. The committee may also co-opt individuals or sub committees to carry out specified tasks.
  5. Any member is entitled to attend management committee meetings.
  6. The committee will normally meet at least every two months, and will have a written agenda and will produce minutes within two weeks.
  7. The treasurer will normally make available to the committee meeting a statement of all transactions since the last meeting.
5. AGM
  1. The annual general meeting will normally be in November and at least two weeks’ notice will be given.
  2. The agenda will include a president’s report and the treasurer’s accounts, independently audited.
  3. Also the election of the new committee and the setting of subs for the coming year.
  4. Other proposals, including amendments to the constitution, will be considered if submitted in writing at least two weeks ahead.
  5. All proposals may be carried by a simple majority, provided that at least 20 members attend.
6. General  Meetings
  1. General meetings may be called by the committee or by the written request of at least 10 members.
  2. At least two weeks’ notice must be given and, the procedure for voting will be as for an AGM (see 5.5)
7. Club Colours
  1. Club colours will be cyan blue vest with the name in black high on the chest.
  2. Club colours will be worn by all members competing in the club’s name.

Running Club

8. Dissolution
  1. The club may be dissolved by the decision of a simple majority of a properly convened general meeting.
  2. The balance of funds will pass to scottishathletics (Scottish Athletics Ltd) or failing that the equivalent Sport Governing Body.


Constitution 2017

Constitution prior to 2017

  1. Name: Lothian Running Club
  2. Purpose: To encourage the enjoyment of athletics by runners of all ages and standards
  3. Membership
    1. Will be open to all applicants with the proviso that sufficient adults must be available to supervise and coach younger age groups.
    2. Membership will only be refused or terminated in exceptional circumstances. A written notice of the reason for refusal or termination must be given, and there will be a right of appeal.
    3. Members wishing to resign must do so in writing.
    4. Membership fees will normally cover a calendar year.
  4. Management Committee
    1. Officers: Chairman. Vice Chairman, treasurer, coaching co-ordinator and secretary, will be elected at the Annual General Meeting .
    2. Male and female club captains will also be elected at the AGM.
      The AGM may elect up to 4 other committee members, who may take responsibilities such as minute secretary and membership secretary.
    3. The committee may also co-opt individuals or sub committees to carry out specified tasks.
    4. Any member is entitled to attend management committee meetings.
    5. The committee will normally meet at least every two months, and will have a written agenda and will produce minutes within two weeks.
    6. The treasurer will normally make available to the committee meeting a statement of all transactions since the last meeting.
  5. AGM
    1. The annual general meeting will normally be in November and at least two weeks’ notice will be given.
    2. The agenda will include a president’s report and the treasurer’s
      accounts, independently audited.
    3. Also the election of the new committee and the setting of subs for the coming year.
    4. Other proposals, including amendments to the constitution, will be considered if submitted in writing at least two weeks ahead.
    5. All proposals may be carried by a simple majority, provided that at least 20 members attend.
  6. General Meetings
    1. General meetings may be called by the committee or by the written request of at least 10 members.
    2. At least two weeks’ notice must be given and, the procedure for voting will be as for an AGM (see 5.5).
  7. Club Colours
    1. Club colours will be cyan blue vest with the name
      in black high on the chest.
    2. Club colours will be worn by all members competing in the club’s name.
  8. Dissolution
    1. The club may be dissolved by the decision of a simple majority of a properly convened general meeting.
    2. The balance of funds will pass to the Scottish Athletics Federation.
Lothian Running Club