Category: Up & Running

Wednesday 18th January club session

Wednesday 18th January session will be held at the Civic Centre, Livingston. The session commences at 7.10PM prompt. It’s advisable to be there 15-20 mins early to ensure you do some kind of warm up. The session will be 50, 100, 150, 200 metres (depending on age, ability & fitness). It will be...

President’s Statement

President’s Statement. Words are easy to write. It’s harder to write something potent and true that encompasses all our club members. There is no denying that we have been through a testing time recently. I write on behalf of LRC’s new committee and I state categorically that we will strive...

Training Venue for Friday 23rd & 30th December

Due to the recent bad weather the coaches & committee decided that on Friday 23rd & 30th December training will take place at the Civic Centre. Sessions will commence at 7.10PM and finish at 8.00PM. This means that if you intend on doing the session you will have to be there a...

Wednesday 30th November Session.

The club session on Wednesday 30th November will be held at the civic centre. The lead coach will be there from 6.50PM. The session starts at 7.20PM. Try to be there in time (15-20 mins before session commences) to do a proper warm up. The session will be an interval session...

Your Club Needs You – Assistant Coach Award – 28th & 29th January

Dear Athlete, Parent or Guardian,          Anyone interested in gaining coaching qualifications (Assistant Coach Award – see link below) to help your club develop?  If so please let us know by contacting either Saran Jones (Coaching Coordinator) –, ( Alternatively you can contact Jamie McDonald directly – . Office – 0131 4767324, Mobile -...

Thanks to Ross & Teresa.

Just a thank you to Ross Milne and Teresa Salvage (nee McMenemy). Ross resigned from the club on Monday. We wish him well with his new club. He has competed for us for over 8 years. He’s been a great club member. Also, Teresa resigned as a coach earlier this...

Training last night at the club.

Fantastic approach to training last night. The aptitude and work ethics were just right. It was structured, the core content was appropriate, communication excellent, mindset tuned in, and there was a belief in what you were all doing and why you were doing it. Well, it looked that way from...

Next Committee Meeting Date – Wednesday 14th December

After an informal meeting last night it was unanimously agreed that our next committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 14th December at Inveralmond Community High School, 8.15pm, after training. All welcome. This is your club and your input is important to the development of Lothian Running Club. Bring good tidings, food & non...

Lothian Running Club