Category: News

Linlithgow 10k course reccy

Edel Writes: Chloe and I are going to reccy the Linlithgow route on Friday 6th September after work. Chloe will meet me at Heriot Watt University at around 4.30 or 5pm (details to be decided still!) and then head straight to Linlithgow by car.  ...

Up and Coming Races for September ’13

Edel highlights a selection of races (including Club Championship races) for this coming September: Remember to wear your Lothian running vest and do us proud! Vests can be purchased from Dave Berrill. Contact Dave on: We also recommend our members to join Scottish Athletics and save money on race...


 Livingston Open Meeting – Wednesday 21st August Livingston & District AAC are holding three open graded meetings at Craigswood Sports Centre during the summer.  The final event is on Wednesday 21st August, starting at 7pm. Full entry details and a provisional timetable are in the attached flyer.  Entries close at...

Sierre-Zinal, Switzerland

On 11th August, Lothian were well represented in the Swiss Alps at the 40th anniversary Sierre-Zinal race. This is a 31km point to point race with 2200m ascent and 800m descent. The race always attracts a high quality field of the world’s best mountain runners (plus Dave Berrill and I...

Fiddlers Results – August 2013

We invited some folks from Linlithgow AC and West Lothian Tri club to take part in the fiddlers this month – and they did well, taking the overall win (Gary Anderson of Linlithgow) and the fastest time (Andy Fish, West Lothian Tri club) in the Long Course. Bethany Nelson saved...

Club Championship Update – August 2013

The updated club championship results are at the link below… now incorporating Mile Relays, Musselburgh 10k plus Edinburgh and Falkirk Parkruns so far…. please get in touch if you spot any errors… or if you’d like me to properly explain what you need to do to try and win /...

Lothian Running Club