Category: News


LRC veteran duo Donald Shaw and Kenny Mearns contested the Senior Mens race at Sunday’s Lasswade AAC Open Cross Country meeting at Gore Glen, Gorebridge. Donald finished in 45th place covering the 6 mile course in 40 minutes 13 seconds with Kenny completing in 47 minutes 54 seconds for 76th...

Borders XC Series Entries Closed

In a change of policy for this year, the border XC series is no longer entry on the day, and entries are now closed (there may still be junior entries available).  This appears to have poorly publicised, with entries opening and filling up with no actual announcement on how to...

Scottish 4k Cross country Champs – Sun 10 Nov

The Scottish Short Course National Cross Country Championships take place at Belahouston Park, Glasgow on Sunday 10th November. If you want to run please let Kenny Mearns know by e-mail or by text on 07951 06053 by Saturday 26th October, closing date for entries. ...

Club Championship Update… Final Senior Results… Provisional Junior Results and 2014 Championship feedback…

Junior results: I’ve updated the Junior results and we have an impressive 25 juniors who’ve completed 3 or more events… so they will all be eligible for a completion prize.  Well done to all juniors who have completed… prizes will be organised in November and will likely be distributed at...

ParkRun News – Falkirk & Edinburgh

Falkirk ParkRun News Falkirk parkrun takes place every Saturday at 9:30am at Callender Park Falkirk Special events: Falkirk parkrun is cancelled on 7th December when a sponsored run for Strathcarron Hospice will take place instead 21st December Falkirk parkrun – runners will be encouraged to come dressed in Festive costumes!...

Pentland Skyline Race

Whilst everyone else was flogging themselves around Dechmont Law I took the easy option of a mild jog around the Pentland Skyline 🙂 The most impressive performance of the day was undoubtedly from Murray Strain of HBT who knocked 6 minutes off a 19 year old record when he finished...

East District Cross Country Relays Results

A cold east wind did not deter LRC at the relays on Sunday. As well as hosting and marshalling the event Lothian had 4 men’s, 2 women’s, 2 girls and 1 boys team entered. Well done all runners and a big ‘thank you’ to all the helpers. Full results are...

London Marathon Places

***update, there are SIX (and possibly 7) people interested in these places so far… a ballot beckons*** *** update A draw was held at Craigswood on Friday. Mike and Kenny were witnesses. Gerry, Owen and Neil Graham were successful. Let the training begin!! If you’re interested in a club place...

AGM 2013

AGM 2013 Notice of Meeting: The club AGM is scheduled to be held on Wednesday the 20th of November. The meeting will be held in Inveralmond Community High School at 7pm.
Further details can be found on the AGM page: AGM Notice

Lothian Running Club