Author: Ted

Road Relays 2014 – Livingston 30th March

SCOTTISH NATIONAL ROAD RELAY CHAMPIONSHIPS MEN’S SIX STAGE and WOMEN’S FOUR STAGE will be held in LIVINGSTON St Margaret’s Academy on SUNDAY – 30th MARCH 2014 12:00 Noon Team categories are Men and vets (40+)- teams of six, Women and vets (40+) – teams of four.  There are also 50+...

National XC Champs – Callendar Park Falkirk – Saturday Feb 22nd 2014

Final details of arrangements have not yet been published by Scottishathletics but they have stated that changing and parking will again be at the Graeme High School on the north side of A803, just East of Falkirk town centre. The the start and finish are 500m away in Callendar Park...

Up and Running Feb

Up and Running ‎

Festive Training

There is no Club Training session on 25th and 26th December or 1st and 2nd January 2014.
There are a variety of other running possibilities including Edinburgh Park Run 25th, Festive Handicap 26th.
January Fiddlers will be on Wed 8th rather than 1st as previously published.

Falkirk Park Run cancelled 7th December

Falkirk ParkRun on next weekend (Dec 7th) is cancelled because Strathcarron Hospice are having their Santa Dash in the park instead over the parkrun course.

Stranraer 10km

LRC was seen far and wide at the weekend. Dave and Carol Mabon competed in the Stranraer 10K on Saturday.  Results are: Dave 29th place and 1st over 60 category, time 43:12 Carol 143rd, 2nd female over 55 category, time 01:01:13 178 ran Thanks Carol

ParkRun News – Falkirk & Edinburgh

Falkirk ParkRun News Falkirk parkrun takes place every Saturday at 9:30am at Callender Park Falkirk Special events: Falkirk parkrun is cancelled on 7th December when a sponsored run for Strathcarron Hospice will take place instead 21st December Falkirk parkrun – runners will be encouraged to come dressed in Festive costumes!...

East District Cross Country Relays Results

A cold east wind did not deter LRC at the relays on Sunday. As well as hosting and marshalling the event Lothian had 4 men’s, 2 women’s, 2 girls and 1 boys team entered. Well done all runners and a big ‘thank you’ to all the helpers. Full results are...

AGM 2013

AGM 2013 Notice of Meeting: The club AGM is scheduled to be held on Wednesday the 20th of November. The meeting will be held in Inveralmond Community High School at 7pm.
Further details can be found on the AGM page: AGM Notice

Lothian Running Club