Author: ColinPartridge

LRC Park Run Tourism – May 2019

When: Sat 18th May, 9.30 a.m Where: Lochore Meadows (Lochgelly – Take2) Re-Scheduled P/R tourism event, catch up with club mates & enjoy post run refreshments. Wearing club colours encouraged (but optional) to promote club Identity – vests / club training kit etc… Colin will post on the club website...

Fiddlers Results – Mar 2019

Good turn out for the last winter course fiddlers until October. Well done to our two winners Kara and Hanna.   A host of PBs, and almost everyone was quicker than their last run.  From next month the start will move just around the corner to the civic centre, and the...

Edinburgh Landmarks Tour – Club Event

Sunday April 7th 2019 An Urban rat race around Edinburgh visting some of the iconic landmarks the nations capital has to offer. Teams of between 1 to 5 people will compete against the clock to visit as many of the 15 checkpoints as possible and returning to the Salisbury arms...

National Road Relays – Help Wanted

Once again we will be playing host to the National Road Relays on 24th March.  Volunteers for marshalling and course setup would be greatly appreciated.  Even if you are palnning on running you can still help out with course setup earlier in the day, or possibly share a marshalling point...

Fiddlers Result – Feb 2019

Well done to first timer Murray Close in wining the short course.  Congratulations to Alastair on the long course, and a warm welcome to our other first timer Stuart who took this opportunity to reccy the first lap.  Also good to see a few old hats back in action. Let...

Fiddlers Results – Jan 19

Another good turn out at at last months Fiddlers.  Apologies for the delay in posting results. There may be some errors in this months results as I had some trouble deciphering hand writing, and some people didn’t have put their time down at all. Please check and let me know...

Masters XC – Sat 2nd Nov Arrangments

Entries for Masters XC on Sat are closed. Club entries as follows: Alastair Murray Alan Cunningham Will Moffat Andrew Corrigan Kenton Jones Martin Leadbetter Ewart Scott Claire Cunningham Andrea Seabrook Christine MacVarish Christine Mulholland Teresa Lynch Shona Young Yvonne Crilly Saran Jones For those of you that said you would like to...

Park Run Tourism – Reminder

When: Sat 26th Jan, 9.30 a.m Where: Edinburgh PR, Silverknowes, Cramond Call out to all LRC Juniors, Seniors, Family and Friends – Pls Join us at the next PR tourism event for a run with club mates & post run refreshments / brekkie at the sea front cafe tea room,...

Annual Subscriptions Due

Dear Lothian Running Club Member, Happy New Year! Lothian Running Club Membership runs annually from the first of January, and all memberships are now due for renewal.  If you wish to continue your membership of the club please complete a renewal application and return it with your annual subscription fee...

Fiddlers Reminder – 8th Jan

A reminder that our Monthly Fiddlers Handicap Race was postponed last week, and will be held tonight instead.   First timers are asked to arrive promptly to receive a start time and to get a course introduction or reccy. The normal £1 entry fee is being waived, and you are asked instead...

Lothian Running Club