Author: ColinPartridge

East District Cross Country League – Alloa

Well done to everyone turned out to run on a fabulous day at the Cross Country in Alloa, and many thanks to everyone who helped out. In the younger age groups our sole flag bearers were Robyn and Cara, who both performed well over a tough course.  There was a...

Recognition Awards

At this years AGM, in addition to presenting to the winners of the Club’s Cross Country series, and Club Championships, we have decided to introduce some additional awards recognising the achievements and contributions of some of our most outstanding and dedicated members. I’m sure there are a large number of...

Short Course Cross country Champs on Saturday

For those of you entered in Sundays’s Short Course XC champs I will me taking on the roll of team manager for the day and handling registrations etc.  So you can come and find me to pick up your number on the day.  Should have the usual banner up.  If...

Borders XC Series Entries Closed

In a change of policy for this year, the border XC series is no longer entry on the day, and entries are now closed (there may still be junior entries available).  This appears to have poorly publicised, with entries opening and filling up with no actual announcement on how to...

Cross Country Season Begins

It’s that time of year again.  The Cross Country Season kicks off on Sun 13th Oct at our very own Dechmont Law, which is the venue for the East District Relays.  Find out everything you need to know about this year’s fixtures on the  Cross Country Page…

Linlithgow 10k course reccy

Edel Writes: Chloe and I are going to reccy the Linlithgow route on Friday 6th September after work. Chloe will meet me at Heriot Watt University at around 4.30 or 5pm (details to be decided still!) and then head straight to Linlithgow by car.  ...

Up and Coming Races for September ’13

Edel highlights a selection of races (including Club Championship races) for this coming September: Remember to wear your Lothian running vest and do us proud! Vests can be purchased from Dave Berrill. Contact Dave on: We also recommend our members to join Scottish Athletics and save money on race...

Ben Lomond Races

Information from Martin on this years Ben Lomond Races on Sat 11th May, including a Junior Fun Run organised by Martin.
Check the Event Calendar for more info.

Arran 6 Stage ‘Relay’

Details of the Club Plans for this years Around Arran Relay on th 20th of July can now be found on the calendar.
Contact Edel or Mags for more information.

Lothian Running Club