Author: ColinPartridge

Great day out at the Nationals

Well done to everyone who slogged around the National course today, in particular a fantastic 13th place from Max Mcneill.   First back for the ladies was Edel with a typically strong performance.   Thanks to our team managers for the day: Martin Hyman and Kenny Mearns, and also to...

Fiddler’s Results Feb ’14

Results are now up for last nights Fiddler’s. Good turn out and some new faces, which is great to see. Some people remained remarkably consistent, while others conspired to confound my attempts to set handicaps by posting (in some cases huge) PBs, and while others demonstrated a certain aptitude for...

Devils Burden 2014

Devils Burden Entries Close on the 21st.  So far we have 4 people interested in running – 6 required for a full team.  If this sounds like it might be up your street get in touch with me ( If you’ve no experience at this sort of race, then don’t...

Carnethy 5 Ballot Open

The ballot for the Carnethy 5 Hill race opens today. This is a good, challenging course in the Pentlands for anyone keen to try a tougher hill race. It’s popular with c. 500 runners so minimal chance of getting lost and you’re even allowed to walk on the uphills. Would...

Club Cross Country Championship – Update

The current standings for this year’s club championships have been updated following yesterday’s East District Championships in Dundee.  With two (or 3) races left things are likely to turn around substantially as more people complete the required 3 races.

WANTED : XC Team Managers

We’re always looking for volunteers who are willing to give up a little time to help out at Cross Country races, in particular the SA Championships and East District League events. It’s not an arduous or difficult task, and is typically shared between 2 people – mostly just manning the...

2013/14 Club Cross Country Champsionship Update

The current standings in this years Club Cross Country Championships after 2 races are now available.  I’ve still to separate out the vet age groups.  There is a lot of competition in this years champs, and still all to play for. The next race in the series is the East...

AGM – Awards

To bring this year’s AGM to a close we held a short prize giving and awards ceremony.  First off, prizes were awarded for the inaugural Club Championships, which judging by the number of members who competed in at least some of the qualifying races was a sucess. Next up were the awards...

Lothian Running Club