Author: ColinPartridge

Fiddlers Results – Jan 2018

Results from last January’s Fiddlers Handicap . Wee done to our Winners: Andrea Cameron and Hannah Knowles. Short Course Runner’s Name Start Time Finish Time Running Time Comment Knowles,  Hannah 19:39:00 19:55:31 00:16:31 Winner, First Time, PB Cunningham,Amber 19:42:15 19:55:32 00:13:17 MacDonald, Robyn 19:45:15 19:55:45 00:10:30 Fastest Time Long Course...

Fiddlers Handicap Tonight

Fancy getting your hands on some silverware to start off 2018 in style?? Come along to tonight’s fiddlers, first runners off from approx 7:20ish.
3.6 mile, 2 lap traffic free course, with shorter option for juniors.
Meet at st Margaret’s academy from 7pm

Winter Fiddlers

Fiddlers moves to the Winter Course tonight. Due to concerns over increasing traffic on the road section of original winter route, we will be testing out a new course, which stays off road. Maps up later today. Start /Finish will be at St Margaret’s as usual. Particularly due to the new...

Litter Pick at Dechmont Law on Sunday 22nd October

Edel and Nicola will be organising a litter pickup at Dechmont law after training (i.e. 11am) on Sunday the 22nd October. West Lothian Council are going to drop the black bags and pickers for us and collect them later on in the day. We hope to see as many people as possible...

Club Championships – Latest

MS – Josh Dack has this sewn up with a string on 1st places plus the best time to date at Livi parkun. M40 – Malcolm Lang looks likely to win with 7 points, but could be pipped by Colin Partridge if he is 1st LRC at the Glasgow Half, Linlithgow and beats Josh...


Reminder that Fiddlers has moved to  Tuesdays Night.  Any volunteer marshalls welcome.  Contact

Fiddlers – Change of Day

After some discussion we have decided to change the day on which we run our monthly ‘Fiddlers’ handicap race from the First Wed, to the First Tues of the month.  This change will begin from this coming Tues 4th of July.  There are various reasons for this, but mainly it is...

Latest Club Championship Standings

Summary Club Championship current standings. MS – Josh Dack has one hand on the prize with a string on 1st places plus the best time at Livi parkun. M40 – Malcolm Lang leads with Colin Partridge potentially in a position to challenge. M50 – Kenny ahead, but Calum Ross, Jim Alexander...

Dechmont Trail Races 2017 Results

Full Results of Sunday’s trail races are now live on the KitST website ( .
Trail Race Photo Galleries

May Fiddlers Results

Results from last week’s Fiddlers.
Congratulations to Louis, and Caitlin
Keep an eye out for information on some special plans for Next Month’s Filddlers.

Lothian Running Club