Author: ColinPartridge

Fiddlers Postponed until the 8th Jan

New Year’s Day – no fiddlers or Livingston session
Few of us are away and there are lots of parkrun options, so make the most of the day, there is even the possibility to double up your parkruns at certain locations.
Normal service resumes on Thursday

Lsst chance to enter East District Champs

Entries for the East District XC Championships in Aberdeen on the 8th December close tonight. Email or talk to someone at training tonight if you are interested.

2018 Tintoe Tiptoe Results

Download TintoTiptoResults2018 from the Tinto Tiptoe event Conditions were muddy underfoot and windy but mostly dry. Brilliant runs from Fraser Anderson and Sophie McBirnie and everyone else who took part with a smile. Leo Coombs, the last finisher, took less than a quarter of an hour which is brilliant for...

Clubs vote to leave Master Categeories alone

Thank you to those who took the time to respond. The Survey was open from Monday 1st October until Thursday 1st November with one vote per club allocated. Sent to 150 club secretaries –  Responses 62 (42%) Question: “Should scottishathletics introduce a 35-39 medal category within the existing Masters Cross...

Fiddlers Results – Nov 2018

Good turn out at this weeks fiddlers.  Congratulations to David Meek who turned last months second into a first, taking almost 2 minutes off his previous time in the process.  In the short course Hannah Knowles also produced a PB to take the win. Once again there was a mass...

AGM Minutes

AGM Minutes 14th November 2018.
A big thank you to all who attended, and to all who have contributed to the success of the club over the past years.

Final Call for National Short Course XC

Sign up via the facebook port or email before the end of tonights training session if you wish to run:
National Short Course XC Info…

National Cross Country Relay – Update

The National Cross Country Relay Championships are at Cumbernauld on Saturday 27 October. Below is the provisional list of runners – we have  3 male and 1  female team entered. Not all teams are complete, and we have entered a number of reserve runners so let us know if you...

Lothian Running Club