Round Arran Relay

It’s that time of year again and as summer approaches I’m looking for team members for the Round Arran Relay. This must be one of the friendliest races ever (with the exception of hill relays). The idea is that teams of 6 cover the whole circumference of the island. Legs range from 7.5 miles to 11 miles, all are scenic and undulating if not downright hilly. Teams can be male, female or mixed (to my knowledge we have never won any prizes but always have a good time). We usually take a  mini-bus and camp overnight although it is possible to get there and back in a day. The race is on Saturday 23rd July so we leave Livingston at 7am for the ferry from Ardrossan, usually returning by about 7.30pm the following day. Let me know if you are interested.

Jill Horsburgh 07714 328098

Lothian Running Club