2014 Scottish National Cross Country Championships

2014 Scottish National Cross Country Championships

February 22, 2014 all-day
Calendar Park
Callendar Park
Falkirk FK1 1YR
Kenny Mearns, Martin Hyman
09751062053 (text), 01506 412322

Final details of arrangements have not yet been published by Scottishathletics but they have stated that changing and parking will again be at the Graeme High School on the north side of A803, just East of Falkirk town centre. The the start and finish are 500m away in Callendar Park in front of Callendar House. Take care crossing the main road.

The course will be substantially the same as in previous years: Mixed terrain, quite hilly and suitable for spikes.

Competitors must wear chips attached to their shoe-lace (They must supply their own salt and vinegar.) They must wear numbers in front only. (Except under 17 women & under 19 women who have numbers front and back.)

Club Entries for this year are as shown below. Note that, if you asked to be entered then the  £3 (£2 juniors) entry fee is payable whether you race or not.  Thanks (The club pays £5 for every senior entry & £3.50 for u17.)

Any problems please contact:
Martin: martinhyman@clara.co.uk (01506 412322)                                                          Kenny:  kenmearns@aol.co.uk (o7951 062053)

  • Please share transport where possible and arrive at least an hour before your race, in order to prepare and reccy.
  • Kenny plans to erect the club tent on the west (right) side of the run-in just before the finish.  He hopes to have it up by 10.30 and would welcome help.
  • Martin plans to collect numbers and chips and bring them to the tent.  Also course maps.

Event Under 13 Boys   Start 11.30   Distance (Km) 3.2
Louis MacDonald
Event Under 13 Girls   Start 11.45   Distance (Km) 3.2
Mairi Eades
Event Under 17 Women (With u20)   Start 12.15   Distance (Km) 4.0
Keri Greig   (N.b. numbers must be won back and front.)
Event Senior / Vet Women   Start 1.25   Distance (Km) 8.0
Susan Bruce, Chloe Cox, Jo Hall, Saran Jones, Christine MacVarish, Edel Mooney, Lynne Murray
Event Under 20 Men   Start 2.00   Distance (Km) 8.0
Daniel McLaughlin
Event Senior / Vet Men   Start 2.30   Distance (Km) 12.0
Jim Alexander, David Eades,  Andy Fish, Kenton Jones, Malcolm Lang, Max McNeil,Stephen Malcolm, Euan McInnes, Kenny Mearns, Colin Meek, Colin Partridge, Finlay Slane,  Donald Shaw.

This race also counts towards the Club Cross Country Championships. See how you and your fellow club members faired in previous years

Lothian Running Club