Road Relay Archive [Now Updated]

The Road Relay archive i have been working on has now been updated to include the weekends results [unless otherwise informed i can only go with the results that are posted on the SA web site].

Thank’s to Ted Finch, the archive now has a permanent place on the website alongside the National xc archive. Link below.

I now intend working on putting together a list of club record holders from 100m to 100miles and all recognised distances in between, it won’t be easy so may need a bit of help from members. With the club only dating back until 2000 means with a little bit of research it won’t be impossible. I feel all clubs should have club records, then like the other archives it’s just a case of them being updated.

Results Archive

The results archive lists the club performance in major events over the years. Follow the links or use the menu above.

Scottish Road Relays Archive

Cross Country National Archive

Lothian Running Club