November Fiddler’s Results

Well done to winners Jack Maybury (short) and Alan Robertson (long) for their quick runs last night.  Particular congrats to Alan who celebrated a significant birthday (18? 21? :-)) on Monday.

Some good runs from Lana, Jo, Ian, David and Jim – all will be rewarded with tougher handicaps for next month!  Colin Meek and Carol Mabon were both first back on the night – both started before their official start time however so were ineligible for the win…. next time guys!

Thanks again to helpers Saran, Margaret and David on the night.

Long Course Results – November 2012
Name Start Finish Time Comments
Robertson,   Alan 19:32:00 19:58:00 00:26:00 Winner
Turnbull, Lana 19:34:00 19:58:28 00:24:28
Hall, Jo 19:34:40 19:58:31 00:23:51
Leggatt, Ian 19:31:00 19:59:05 00:28:05
Berrill, David 19:36:00 19:59:33 00:23:33
Alexander, Jim 19:34:00 19:59:55 00:25:55
Mackie, Elaine 19:33:40 20:00:40 00:27:00
Godfrey, Kevin 19:33:00 20:01:02 00:28:02
Greig, Martin 19:33:40 20:01:10 00:27:30
Meek, Colin 19:40:00 20:01:10 00:21:10 Fastest Time (Start Time adjusted)
Turnbull, Mike 19:21:20 20:01:45 00:40:25
Williams, Owen 19:39:00 20:02:30 00:23:30
Short Course Results – November 2012
Name Start Finish Time Comments
Maybury, Jack 19:42:40 19:54:00 00:11:20 Winner / Fastest Time
Yule, Zoe 19:42:00 19:54:17 00:12:17
McCafferty,   Cara 19:42:40 19:54:50 00:12:10
Nelson,   Bethany 19:44:00 19:55:26 00:11:26
Kerr, Louise 19:42:40 19:55:27 00:12:47
Armstrong,   Neve 19:42:40 19:55:30 00:12:50
Lothian Running Club