November Fiddler’s

It’s the Fiddler’s Handicap this Wednesday – hopefully we’ll have a good turn out of runners like last month.

I’ve made some changes to the list of handicaps, starting from this month.  I’ve reduced the handicap list to only those who have run (the winter course) over the past two years.

This is partly to make the list more manageable – the other main reason is that those who haven’t run in a few years are unlikely to be running the same pace as they were when they last took part.  In these instances new/returning runners can use the fiddler’s start time predictor to choose a start time based on a recent 5k.

I’ve also updated the junior handicaps.  This will also now be in line with the summer junior fiddler’s, so juniors should finish at 19:55, rather than 20:00.

With these changes, your start time may be slightly different to previous months.  Please check in advance and let me know if there are any errors! 🙂

Lothian Running Club