Down but not out at BUPA Junior Run

Updated: 2010-05-02
In a somewhat chaotic start to the BUPA Junior Great Edinburgh Run, both Amy and Andrew Lickley ended up on the floor, with a few other runners, just after the start line. Amy was on her feet first, only to see her brother having his face squashed into the tarmac by someone carrying an inflatable banana.
In a scene reminiscent of the Rolf Harris hit, only without the horse, Amy made sure her brother was back on his feet before re-joining the race.
Despite the hold-up and two sore knees, Amy (10) still managed to finish 6th of 156 girls in the 9-11 age group, completing the 2.5k in 10:56.
And a rather beaten-up 9 year old, Andrew, pulled himself back to 21st boy of 175 in the 9-11s, finishing in 11:21.

Robin Lickley

Lothian Running Club