Scottish Athletics Virtual SUPER team Challenge – Juniors 18/5/21

Thanks to all for a great event at Craigswood last night  (18/5/21) – results are below – events where athletes had two attempts I have recorded the better one. Remember this list includes Juniors across the range of age groups (from 8 – 15 !) so all is relative – I will later score them in age groups.  Events were 75m sprint, a ball throw (a football overhead), long jump and a 600 m. This allowed our Juniors to test themselves at throw, jump and run (short and longer) events. Unfortunately there was a ‘technical’ error in the timing for the 600m first heat – so we will do the whole 600m race again next at training next Tuesday. All efforts will count towards both this specific club event and also the annual club championship. Full outcomes published next week after the re-running of the 600m.

Just delighted with the effort and co-operation shown by all the athletes and hugely grateful, also,  to a large team of volunteers without whose support and input it couldn’t have been done. The volunteers seemed to have a real good time doing it, so please be encouraged to come and join in with the session as a helper any time. Three new potential junior members involved too – which is very encouraging – group is growing constantly – hence the need for more help if possible.

The original reason for this event is to enter club members into the National SUPERteam competition against young athletes from all over the country. Target age group for that is u13 but I think I can enter others too. Main point is if anyone – especially amongst the  u13s – wants to be in that then they have to be members of Scottish Athletics – you can join simply online at their website – let me know their SA number (which y0u get when you sign up) before May 28.

75m 600m Long Jump Ball Throw
Adam Campbell 15.07 2.64 5.31
Adam Ikene 11.75 2.87 8.42
Chloe Boyle 11.17 2.48 7.77
Danny Fletcher 11.98 2.03 3.19 8.40
Gaby O’Donnell 13.38 2.13 2.32 5.00
Harry Roxburgh 12.68 3.05 9.10
Isla Kelly 14.68 2.50 1.80 4.89
Issy Marsden 11.86 2.75 5.94
Jake Lorimer 13.29 2.34 2.80 6.52
Jay McGarry 11.17 2.96 8.50
John Steel 15.36 2.59 7.10
Kyle 11.69 2.23 2.49 11.30
Lewis Tibbins 13.74 1.67 6.54
Lucas Kelly 12.02 2.30 2.70 9.25
Melanie Cane 12.75 2.25 9.25
Nicole McDermott 10.67 2.04 3.00 8.90
Rachel Collings 14.01 2.23 6.33
Rebecca 12.67 2.36 14.06
Rory Marsden 12.06 2.35 3.10 10.02
Rosie Stevenson 13.25 2.48 1.65 5.10
Thomas Cane 13.28 2.46 2.10 8.06


Lothian Running Club