Club vets finish 5th at Masters Road Relays

There was another good performance from the LRC veteran athletes at the Scottish Masters Road Relay Championships at Strathclyde Park. The 4 x 5.8km race saw the blue vests come from 41st at the end of the first leg to finish in 5th place behind winners Bellahouston. Alan Cunningham led the team off and passed over to second runner Brian Lees in 41st place, Brian moved the team up to 34th as he handed over to Barry McComish to run the penultimate leg. Barry managed to overhaul 18 teams as he handed over to anchor leg runner Alan Knowles in 16th place.An excellent run from Alan saw him cross the finish line in 5th place. The leg times were, Cunningham 23.25,Lees 23.07,McComish 22.16,Knowles 20.37.
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Lothian Running Club