Club Championship 2016

It’s nearly March, so I thought I better let you know the senior championship races and rule updates for Summer 2016.

Some rule updates….

1) Prizes will still be awarded in the following categories…

M, M40, M50, M60, F, F40, F50, F60

BUT… you’re now competing against all club members, instead of just male / female.  We’ve not had too many females complete in recently years, so it shouldn’t have a big impact on results but should increase competition.

2) As with previous years, you need to complete 5 of the below events to finish the series.  I’ll be posting semi-regular updates with current standings to keep things interesting…

Here are the relevant races…


National Road Relays

Tom Scott 10 miler


Scottish 5k Championships

Dumyat Hill Race


Dechmont Law 10k

7 Hills of Edinburgh


Brig Bash 5

Crieff 10k


Perth 10k

Caerketton Hill Race


Murieston Trail Race

Linlithgow 10k


Any LIvingston Parkrun – March through to September

Any Marathon – March through to September

Good luck!




Lothian Running Club