Friday Training – 10th July

Friday Training – 10th July

July 10, 2015 @ 6:50 pm – 8:00 pm
Craigswood Track
Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5ER
Alan Moffat

Friday Night Training at the track, meet in the pavilion for 6:5opm. Session starts at 7:00pm and finishes between 8:00pm and 8:30pm

Planned Sessions are:

All Sessions can be modified to suit fitness and ability.

All sessions preceded by full warm-up and followed by cool down. Athletes to avoid inside lanes during recovery and to be aware of other sessions and users of the track

Main Session: Indian File Fartlek

Coaches: Scott, Alan

Athletes in groups of 2 to 4 of similar abilities.

They run around the 400m track, which is broken down into 4 100m sections (marked


Groups run continuously round the track with the following sequence of pace:

1. Walk (or slow jog for more experienced groups)

2. Jog (faster than slow jog)

3. Fast run

(then back to walk/slow jog)

When the lead runner gets to the start of the fast run they shout a number from 1 to 6 to

say how many sections they will run for, and sets-off with the others following in a single

file (no overtaking). The leader can run as fast or as slow as they want.

At the end of the fast run (when returning to walk/slow jog section) the file comes

together, the lead person drops to the back and the person behind them takes over

ready to lead the next fast jog, then fast section. And so on.

Before starting, groups need to decide how many leads each runner will do.


As main

Sprints Group

Coach: Rita

Lothian Running Club