Forth Valley League

The Forth Valley Athletics League offers competition for U11-U15 for clubs across central Scotland.  Each year there are 3 matches for each division, followed by a final President’s Select meeting.   The league is an ideal opportunity for juniors to experience competitive athletics and team competition at local venues.

League Website (


In addition to team managers, the club is also required to provide officials and assistants to help with the events.   Please conact Ian or ask at training if you are able to help out.

Match Dates

The dates for this years matches are as follows:

Match 1 18/05/2019 Craigswood Team Manager: Julie Volunteers: Assitants: Donna Howard, Hazel Close , Janine Fletcher and Alan Cunningham
Match 2 22/06/2019 Grangemouth Team Manager: Janine/Alan
Match 3 24/08/2019 Grangemouth Team Manager: TBA

Any athlete aged 9 and above on the day of the event may compete.  All athletes must be members of Scottish Athletics.

Age Categories Classes Boys and Girls
UNDER 11 Date of birth between 01/09/2007 and 31/08/2009
UNDER 13 Date of birth between 01/09/2005 and 31/08/2007
UNDER 15 Date of birth between 01/09/2003 and 31/08/2005

How To Enter

Athletes may take part in up to 3 events: 2 track and 1 field OR 1 track and 2 field maximum. The events vary for each age group and at each event.  Details will be available ahead of each match.

Entries must be submitted in advance of each match, so if you are interested in competing please ask at training, or contact Ian Steel (


2014 League Pics

Below are some pictures of Lothian Athletes competing in last years league.

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Lothian Running Club