National Road Relay Teams – Final

Final Teams for this Sunday’s Road Relays in Livingston.  If you are not running, why not com along and add your support:

Remember the Clocks Go Forwards, I don’t want to find anyone turning up an hour late for their leg.  I’ve put down some very optimistic start times, Ideally I’d have everyone arrive before the start of the race to collect numbers, but please aim to be there well in advance (at least 45mins) of your start time, to collect numbers etc.


Team A

Leg 1: Malcolm Lang (Short)      Start Approx: 12:00pm    
Leg 2: Owen Williams (Long)      Start Approx: 12:15pm
Leg 3: Alan Moffat (Short)       Start Approx: 12:48pm
Leg 4: Andrew King (Long)        start Approx: 13:03pm
Leg 5: Pol MacDonald (Short)     start Approx: 13:36pm
Leg 6: Colin Partridge (Long)    start Approx: 13:52pm
Team B
Leg 1: Neil Graham (Short)
Leg 2: Paul Young (Long)
Leg 3: Calum Ross (Short)
Leg 4: Scott Nelson (Long)
Leg 5: Martin Leadbetter ( Carol Burke ) (M50) (Short)
Leg 6: Finlay Slane (M50) (Long)
Team C 
Ted Finch (M60) (Short)
Gerry McCafferty (Long)


Road Relay Teams for Sunday!!

Team A
Leg 1 (short)- Yvonne Crilly
Leg 2 (long) – Edel Mooney
Leg 3 (short) – Jo Williams
Leg 4 (long) – Sarah Inglis

Team B
Leg 1 – Lana Turnbull
Leg 2 – Jocelyn Moar
Leg 3 – Mhairi Inglis
Leg 4 – Christine Milne

Team C
Leg 1 – Kirsty McMeechan
Leg 2 – Christine Mac Varish

If there’s any problems with this let me know for declarations!

Lothian Running Club