Route 75 Bathgate to Livingston 10km
Eight runners took part in the test run of the Bathgateto Livingston 10km run. The run followed the Route 75 Cycle path after a start in the Pyramids Business Park. The route goes up and over Seafield Law followed by a slight deviation from Route 75 through the Tail-End Industrial estate. Route 75 then has a long down hill alongside the LongShot burn to Livingston Village. Then a quick jaunt down Livingston Main Street past St. Margaret’s High School to Almondvale park brought the runners to the Finish by the Civic Centre.
Colin Partridge 39:35
Alan Knowles 40:21
Sean Burns 43:50
Sharyne Ramage 49:18
Richard Pacey 53:07
Liz Bondi 54:11
Simon Finch 56:31
Kirsty Gray 56:31