International XC Vest for Jo

Jo Williams concludes the winter XC in style. Following her run at the Natioanl XC Chmpionships at Falkirk where she was placed 6th Jo has been selected to represent Scotland at the forthcoming Home Countries XC, to be held at Wollaton Park, Nottingham, later this month.

The full team selections are:

Senior Men: Andy Douglas (Inverclyde AC); Logan Rees (Fife AC); Calum McKenzie (Corstorphine AAC); Euan Gillham (Kilbarchan AAC)

Senior Women: Anna Tait (VP-Glasgow); Jo Williams (Lothian RC); Michelle Sandison (Springburn Harriers); Kayleigh Jarrett (Metro Aberdeen)

U20 Men: Tristan Rees (Fife AC/Glasgow Uni); Freddie Carcas (Edinburgh AC); James Donald (Dundee Hawkhill); Gavin Bryson (Edinburgh AC)

U20 Women: Anna Macfadyen (Edinurgh Uni/Forres Harriers); Laura Stark (Edinburgh Uni/Kilbarchan AAC); Naomi Lang (Edinburgh Uni/AberdeenAAC ); Gillian Black (VP-Glasgow)


“Well done Jo and best of luck in Nottingham!”

Lothian Running Club