I have been asked if we are fielding teams for Devils Burden this year. For those that don’t know this is a 4 leg hill relay for 6 runners that the club has regularly fielded at least one team for.…/devil…/740-devil-s-burdens-2015.html

The answer to the question is: Depends on whether someone is interested enough to take on the organisation of this, and if there is sufficient interest to field a team.

The race is on the 24th and entries close on the 20th, so its getting a bit late, but there is still time. If someone wants to volunteer to get this together, then please do. Otherwise reply to this thread if you are genuinely keen to run, and willing to commit, and I’ll see what I can do.

Traditionally this is a bit of a nightmare to organise, what with trying to chase down final team members, people dropping out last minute etc, juggling race order etc. So please only respond if you are genuinely keen to run, and are willing to commit to it. Also you should be willing to run any leg. Please no “I want to run, but only if I can do leg X”, etc. I’ll try and make allowances for preference and experience, but you may not get the leg you want.

Oh and I’ll be keeping team selection simple, if we end up with one and a bit teams. We’ll have a bit of discussion but if it comes to it I’ll aim to select the best team.

It is also very helpful to have some non-runners with cars available on the day to help ferry runners to the start of their respective legs. So if anyone is willing to put themselves forward to help out on the day that would be very much appreciated.



Lothian Running Club