National Cross Country Champs – Falkirk Sat 22 Feb

It’s time to enter the Scottish National Cross Country Championships which are to be held at Callander Park, Falkirk on Saturday 22nd February. Details of the days races can be found on the attached link to the Scottish Athletics Website.

Closing date for entries will be Friday 1st February.  If you wish to enter please e-mail me at or text me on 07951 062053 with your name, date of birth and Scottish Athletics Number.  I will regularly update this post with names of our entries – so far we have entries from Mairi Eades, Louis MacDonald,  Keri Greig, Chloe Cox, Lynne Murray, Edel Mooney, Jo Hall, Christine MacVarish, Saran Jones, Susan Bruce, Captain Max McNeil, Malcolm Lang, Colin Meek, Colin Partridge, Donald Shaw, Euan McInnes, Stephen Malcolm, Daniel McLaughlin, Jim Alexander, Finlay Slane, Kenton Jones, David Eades, Kenny Mearns and Andy Fish.  After the great turnout we had at the East District League at Broxburn I’m sure we will have a large number of Lothian vests at the National.  Entry fee of £3 for seniors and £2 for Juniors (under 17’s) are payable on the day. Sign up sheets will also be on the club’s notice board at Craigswood.

The club have also been asked to provide 2 Marshals to assist on the course on the day and if you are interested in assisting in any way please let me know by text or e-mail.

Lothian Running Club