PARKRUNS [30th Nov]


24th & 2nd MV60-64 David Mabon [20m 14s]PB
147 Completed

22nd Graeme Ackland [18m 59s] 134th Jonathan Barclay [22m 55s] 368 Completed

Perth Parkrun
A flock of Finches flew up to run in the inaugural Perth ParkRun and so all got PBs for the course!

89 Ted FINCH 24:16 Lothian RC
95 Ben FINCH 24:39
112 Simon FINCH 25:29
253 Lindsay FINCH 37:20
254 Val FINCH 37:32 Lothian RC

Falkirk Parkrun
2, Colin Thomas MEEK, 17:28, VM50-54, New PB!,
8, Donald SHAW, 19:15, VM40-44, New PB!,
39, Lana TURNBULL, 22:22, SW20-24,
50, Jim ALEXANDER, 22:52, VM50-54,
139, Mike TURNBULL, 34:16, VM60-64,

Lothian Running Club