RUN TO WORK DAY [Friday 26th April]

Commuters are being asked to swap trains for trainers on Friday (26 April) for the first global Run To Work Day. It aims to raise funds for Right To Play – an international charity which uses the power of play to educate and empower children facing adversity.

Participants are encouraged to run all or part of their daily commute, donating the money they would otherwise spend on travel and/or parking. They are also encouraged to share their stories, photos and videos with fellow runtoworkers from around the world.

Organisers say: “Unlike other running events there is no fixed or minimum distance to cover. You can pick your own route, distance and time of day plus decide if you want to run solo or with a colleague. If you have a long work commute perhaps you could plan to run just part of your travel distance by committing to get off the bus, train or underground a stop or two earlier than usual.

“Run To Work Day is not just an opportunity for runners around the world to ‘run for good’ it is also a chance for employers to encourage colleagues to create a healthy and active workplace. Further, we anticipate that many firms will agree to match-fund their employees’ charitable donations.”

To find out more, visit the Run To Work website or watch the YouTube video

Lothian Running Club