The Lothian club foursome of John Malcolm, Paul Young, Finlay Slane and Brian Reid contested the Hunter Bog Trot Hill Race at Holyrood Park on Saturday.

Conditions were sunny with the odd hailstones shower. The 6.5km course with a climb of 240 metres takes the runners from St Margarets Loch out over Salisbury Crags and back down again.

The first blue vest home in 31st place was John Malcolm in a time of 33m 42 seconds, Paul Young followed in 57th [36m 41s] with Finlay Slane just behind in 64th and 6th M50 [37m 46s], completing the club’s representation in 81st position and 13th M50 was Brian Reid [40m 04s]. 129 runners completed the course.

Lothian Running Club