The bronze medal winners [L to R]] Edel – Sarah – Jocelyn – Chloe.

So often the standard bearers at the National Road Relay’s in the past the Lothian Running Club ladies once again excelled in the latest renewal of the event at Almondvale Livingston on Sunday,with the quartet of Jocelyn Moar, Chloe Cox, Sarah Inglis and Edel Mooney showing excellent form to claim the bronze medals in the Senior Women’s race.
The race is run in alternating short legs[3.15 miles] and long legs[5.8miles].
Jocelyn Moar led the team off on the opening short stage and kept the team well in touch and handed over to Chloe Cox to run the first of the long legs in 11th place.
Chloe produced an excellent run and was soon reeling in a number of her rival teams, and by the time she handed over to third leg runner Sarah Inglis the team had progressed up to 5th place.
With the club’s two course record holders Inglis & Mooney running the final two legs a podium position was now on the horizon, and neither dissapointed with the pair of them producing power packed runs which saw them record the 4th fastest times of the day for their individual legs.
 Sarah who was only seconds outside her course best time overhauled the runner from Fife AC to hand the baton over to Edel to run the final long leg in 4th place.
The Lothian club’s anchor runner has had a vintage winter season and that was maintained with another majestic performance which saw her pass the third place runner from Edinburgh AC [C Team] and was rapidly closing down the second placed runner from Central AC but alas the winning line came too soon so had to settle for 3rd place and the bronze medals.
Edel’s final leg time of 34 minutes 04 seconds was also a new club record time beating her previous best by 11 seconds.
The club also fielded a [B] team and an incomplete team in the Women’s race and two teams in the Senior Men’s race in which Max McNeil ran the 10th fastest time of the day over the short leg.
The teams from Edinburgh AC [A team] and Central AC were the respective winners of the women’s and men’s races.
[A TEAM]3rd – Jocelyn Moar[20m 48s],Chloe Cox[35.27],Sarah Inglis[18.04],Edel Mooney[34.04], Total time 1h 50m 26s.
[B TEAM] 13th & 3rdVet] – Lynne Murray[21. 38], Shona Young [43.24],Saran Jones[21.40],Christine McVarish[40.20].Total time 2h 07m 02s].
[C TEAM] Lana Turnbull[21.04], Jo Hall[37 30].
23 full teams completed.
[A TEAM]16th – Max McNeil[16.19],Colin Partridge [32.53], Stephen Malcolm[18.48], Scott Nelson [36.09], Alan Moffat[19.49],Donald Shand[37.56]. Total time 2h 41m 54s].26.01]. Total time 3h 11m 27s].
[B TEAM] 30th – Chris Northam[20.53], Peter West [40,45],Ian Leggett [24.43], Jim Alexander[42.31],Cliff Dicker[24.09],Paul Young[26.01].

34 full teams completed.

Report by Shane Fenton

Lothian Running Club