8th annual Round the Grounds 5km![Only £2 to enter]


Welcome to the 8th annual Round the Grounds 5km!

This is the main Fundraiser for the Heriot Watt Athletics Club

This years Round the Grounds run will take place on Saturday, March 16th, 2013.
The registration will open at 11am in the Sports Academy. The race will then kick off at 1pm.

The race takes place on the grounds of Heriot Watt University, a pleasant and scenic run for everyone. This year we are introducing a New Course. More trails than before to take advantage of the nice wooded parts of campus.

The entry Fee is £2 and it is entry on the day. Participants must be 14 years or older to run.

There are many prize categories which consist of: 1st male and female junior, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Male and Female Senior, 1st HWU Sports Club (male and female) and 1st overall Club team (male and female). Top 3 runners to count per team.

For more information please feel free to e-mail Athletics@hw.ac.uk

Lothian Running Club