Scott Fraser Visit

Message from Martin Hyman:

Scott Fraser, Britain’s top orienteer, has lived in Sweden for the past three years.  He decided in 2011 to try to compete for Scotland in the Commonwealth Games 10k in 2014.  He has since run his first two 10k races, and his last one ranked him top Scot in 2012.

As part of his preparation programme Scott has just spent a month in Kenya, living and running with local athletes at altitude in the Rift Valley area.  This included a 21k tempo run with Mo Farah.

Scott planned to run for our club in the National Cross-country Championships on February 23rd, but the Swedish Federation will not allow this.  However he has booked his flights and will come to club training at Inveralmond on Wednesday February 20th.  He has kindly agreed to an informal talk followed by a group run starting with a short slow lap followed by a slightly longer loop, planned by coach Edel Mooney.

The following is the draft schedule.  Note the 6.40 meeting time.

6.40 Meet at Inveralmond.

6.45 – 7.15 Scott talks or perhaps shows digital photos.

7.15 – 7.30 Questions.

7.30-7 45 slow 3k group run and back to Inveralmond.

7.45-8.10 Medium 4k group run

Lothian Running Club