In what was a successful weekend for the Lothian club there were category wins in both the Aviemore 10k and Pentland Skyline Race.
Lynne Murray was 1st veteran female in the Aviemore 10k
 completing the course in 41 minutes 04 seconds which also placed her an excellent 2nd female overall.
The Pentland Skyline Race is run over a distance of 16 miles with climbs of 6200 feet.
The club fielded three runners in this gruelling race with Graeme Ackland first of the trio home in 3 hours 07 minutes 33 seconds, this placed him 35th overall of the 250 finishers and the victor in the MV50 category. Following Graeme home in 62nd place was John Malcolm in 62nd place 3h 18m 07s with Jim Alexander 216th in 4h 18m 59s.
Other results
Aviemore Half Marathon – 41st & 14V Harry Mulholland [1h 28m 28s], 84th & 30thV Paul Young[1h 32m 18s], 132nd & 9th FV Christine Milne[1h 36m 37s], 244th & 16th FV Shona Young[1h 44m 39s]. 888 Completed.
Giffardtown[Fife]5k 55th Cliff Dicker [22.56]91 Ran
Lothian Running Club