Lothian Running Club fielded an excellent six teams at the ever popular Self Transcendence 3 X 1 Mile Relays at The Meadows on Wednesday evening. In all 42 teams of all ages took part.
The highest placed team from the club were the Sub 4s who each broke 5 minutes in finishing in 4th place. Max McNeil led them off and came home winner of the first leg in 4 minutes 36 minutes, the fourth fastest individual male leg of the night. Max handed over to Sarah Inglis [the only female in any of the top 10 teams] who went on to record 4 minutes 53 seconds, the fastest leg of the evening by a female, the club’s female captain then handed over to the male captain Colin Partridge in 3rd place, Colin almost replicated Sarah’s run in bringing the team home in 4th place in 4 minutes 54 seconds, just outside the prizes.
The two club teams who did come away with a prize were the oldest and youngest on the night.
The Compost Cowboys team of over-60 vets Cliff Dicker[6m 37s], Alec Agnew[6m 32s] and over-50 Steven Thomson[5m 24s] were the victors in the Male Veteran category. They also finished 19th overall. All three are regulars at the weekly Wednesday night Meadows races.
At the other end of the age scale the Lothian Girls trio of Lana Turnbull[5m 42s], Bethany Nelson[6m 50s] and Cara McCafferty[6m 47s] took 3rd place in the female category, and 20th overall.
The rest of the Lothian results were.
11th- Lothian-ish- John Malcolm[5m 44s], Fraser McCurdy[5m 21s], Ally Robertson [5m 04s].
16th Unamed Team- Sean Calder[5m 11s], Suzie Hannah[6m 08s], Leanne Webster[6m 07s].
17th Next Years Winners-Scott Nelson[5m 11s], Richard Docherty[5m 43s], Alan Robertson[6m 34s].
Full Results:http://uk.srichinmoyraces.org/result-self-transcendence-3-x-1-mile-relays-wednesday-25-july-2012-meadows-edinburgh

Lothian Running Club