Image of Seven Hills of Edinburgh Logo

What is the Seven Hills of Edinburgh ?

Every year since 1980, on the 3rd Sunday in June, a few hundred hardy individuals take part in one of the most unusual running events in the country, The Seven Hills of Edinburgh — a combination of road-running, cross-country, hill-running, and urban orienteering… 14 miles in length and with 2200 feet of ascent/descent.

It attracts runners of all ages and all abilities — from the leading distance-runners who get round in 100 minutes, to the more modest performers who may take up to 4 hours. But they all enjoy the satisfaction of completing one of the most scenic and challenging of sporting courses.
Runners have the choice of two races in whiuch to take part.
The seriously-fit should enter “The Race”. Those of more modest ability (above 1 hour 40 for a half-marathon, say) can enter “The Challenge” (starting half an hour in advance).
Lothian RC fielded one runner in the ‘Race’ and five in the ‘Challenge’.
Suzie Hannah was the club’s sole runner in the race and she finished in 2 hours 57 minutes 04 seconds which placed her 142nd overall and 17th female.
In the Challenge, Euan McInnes was the first club runner home in 2h 24m 27s which placed him 21st, he was followed home by, 33rd Stephen Malcolm [2h 28m 17s], 69th Finlay Slane [2h 36.46s], 161st & 52nd F Shona Young [2h 53m 08s] and 213th Fraser Welsh [3h 06m 15s]. 

Lothian Running Club