Devil’s Burden – Relay Race 21 Jan 2012

Devil’s Burden is a 4 Stage Hill and Trail Relay race for teams of 6 members (2 stages have 2 team members running as a pair). Teams can be Men’s, Women’s or Mixed. There are also categories for all vet teams. The race covers a 31km course over the Lomond Hills, climbing both the East and West Lomond peaks.

7.1km, 425m ascent (run in pairs)
5.7km, 237m ascent
10.3km, 563m ascent (run in pairs)
7.7km, 217m ascent

This event has traditionally been a popular beginning of year event for Lothian running club, often with several teams entered. Many of our keen hill runners are running well just now, so there is a good chance of putting in a good team performance. Along with the usual suspects it would be good to see some new faces come along and try something different. The two legs that are run in pairs offer a great opportunity for anyone with no experience of fell running or navigation to take part along with a more experienced runner, and the final leg is a more straightforward trail race.

We will also try to arrange a club ‘reccy’ of the course a week or two before hand, to give those who have not run before an idea of what to expect.

Full details of the race can be found at:

As usual if you wish to run in this event, or have any question, then ask at any club night or contact one of the team captains directly.

Colin Partridge/Devid Berrill (Men’s Team Captains)
Sarah Inglis (Ladies Team Captain )

Lothian Running Club