Despite a valiant effort the Lothian Running Club trio of Chloe Cox, Edel Mooney and Sarah Inglis missed out by just 21 seconds in claiming a medal at Saturday’s Scottish National Cross-country relay championships at Cumbernauld.
A 4th place finish out of a total of 73 teams from all over Scotland was still a very creditable performance.
Conditions were a bit windy but dry and apart from a few muddy patches the underfoot terrain was near ideal for running. The ladies championship saw each team member cover a 2.5 mile course.
Leading off for the Lothian trio was Chloe Cox and a determined run saw her keep her team mates in contention by completing the first stage in 14th place. A powerful second leg run from Edel Mooney, the senior member of the squad, hauled the blue vests right up into medal contention. Edel’s fantastic run saw her record the 6th fastest leg time of the day as she edged out Fife AC’s Helen Sharp by a mere 2 seconds.
This saw her hand over to anchor leg runner Sarah Inglis in 3rd place behind Edinburgh AC and Hunters Bog Trotters.
  Despite being overhauled by the bang in-form Hester Dix from Fife AC, Sarah, still turned in a commendable performance, at the change over she trailed HBT runner Maxine Czarnecka by 38 seconds, a strong run however saw that deficit reduced to just 21 seconds when she crossed the line to bring the team home in 4th place.
The Lothian Ladies ‘B’ team of Jocelyn Moar, Saran Jones and Jill Horsburgh finished in 41st place.
Victory went to Edinburgh AC, ahead of Fife AC with Hunters Bog Trotters in third just ahead of Lothian RC.
The club also had two teams amongst the big entry of 127 teams in the mens event which was run over four legs of 2.5 miles. The ‘A’ team of Ross Milne, Max McNeil, Kenton Jones and Steven Lawrie placed 31st while the veteran quartet of Scott Nelson, Kenny Mearns, Colin Banham and David Wardman were 99th overall and 26th in the Masters category. The team from Inverclyde AC took the mens title.
Senior Women
[A]4th: 14th Chloe Cox [16.27], 3rd Edel Mooney [15.35] 4th Sarah Inglis [15.53] Total [47.55].
[B]41st: 31st Jocelyn Moar [17.44] 32nd Saran Jones [19.19] 41st Jill Horsburgh [20.30]. Total [57.33].
Senior Men
[A]31st: 23rd Ross Milne [14.33] 15th Max McNeil [14.14] 28th Kenton Jones [16.20] 31st Steven Lawrie 16.27] Total [1:01.34].
[B] 99th: 92nd Scott Nelson [17.16] 108th Kenny Mearns [19.32] 109th Colin Banham [21.52] 99th David Wardman [28.33].

Club trio of Chloe Cox , Edel Mooney and Sarah Inglis who finished 4th in the Scottish National XC Championships.[Pics by Willie Lyall].

Lothian Running Club