Dash for Cash

GAMBIA – DASH FOR CASH – 3km run/walk for Charity

Hi All,
I’ve a favour to ask of you.  I’m heading out to Gambia in March 2012 for 3 and half weeks to volunteer for the charity “First Aid 4 Gambia.”

The Gambia is one of Africa’s smallest and poorest countries and is heavily dependant on foreign aid.

This charity provides First Aid training and equipment for Schools and nurseries in the Gambia.  Every year, many people in Gambia get seriously ill or die due to the lack of primary health care which the country simply cannot afford. Many deaths and infections could be prevented with basic up to date first aid knowledge and equipment. My own trip will be self-funded. All money raised will go towards buying supplies of essential basic first aid equipment such as band aids, soaps, antiseptic wipes etc ……things we take so much for granted.

I propose to hold a fundraising run/walk for this charity at the Civic Centre on Wednesday 14th September 2011 starting at 7.30pm. The 3k course will be accurately measured.

The cost of entering the run/walk will be whatever donation you can afford.

Please can you spread the word to others as every little helps…
Thanks for your support.


Lothian Running Club